Thursday, June 19, 2014

Being an Unknown Author

Hi, my name is Cassie. I am a writer. Ask me about my book…

All through this newsletter, you will find out different aspects about me that are aiding me in the quest to become a Well-Known Author. Being Unknown won’t get you discovered. Do you know how many musicians or comedic talents have been discovered using social media sites? I have heard stories about discoveries being made on Myspace, Facebook, and Youtube. I’m sure those aren’t the only sites either.

What those people had in common is they allowed access to their talent and people started talking about them. Then, word spread.

I used the connections I’ve made in my life. I initially ordered 125 copies of my first book Adoptive Personality. In a two week time span I sold around 80 of those books and gave a couple away to special people and libraries. Since then I sold a trickle of books the two weeks after that but when you exhaust friends and family and friends or friends, you have to wait for those people to read the book and pass it along.

I created a twitter page to search out book clubs and review sites. It’s all a waiting game now. I have books out to Virginia, Texas, California, North Carolina, Colorado, Massachusetts, Kentucky, and New York.

Virginia is by far the most sold state. My plan to get myself out there is to have a Gossip at the Park event for Adoptive Personality. I want readers and fans to spread the word. Have you ever read an intriguing novel and wanted to know what the author was thinking? Well, I’ll be there to answer your questions. I want to gossip about my book. I want to know readers thoughts and feelings.

And the best thing of all, bring the friend or family member you’ve been telling about the book. The remaining books I have for sale will be available as well as the electronic version for purchase.

If you ever hope to become a Well-Known Author, your book has to be gossiped about. People have to want to read it and get their hands on their own copies.

I’m hoping that my efforts in trying to become visible increase with time. I continue to use my personal and professional networks, as well as, Facebook, Google, Twitter, Email, and Youtube. In the future, I will have a website linking you to all of my sites and getting access to my monthly newsletter for Unknown Author News.

Friday, June 6, 2014

Vampirik Hunter Series by C.H. Dudley

Article by C.H. Dudley

Let me introduce you to a new set of heroines in these funny, action packed, historically rich books under the collection, A Vampirik Hunter Series. This series is meant to empower young ladies with strong female lead characters; it is meant to reconnect readers to history of all ages.

These books can be read by any age group and resemble the size of a Goosebumps book. I envision them as 4.25"x7", always 15 chapters, and between 110-175 pages each. I bring the premise or new character of the series out in Chapter 14 of each book, as an introduction to the next in the collection. And there is always a sneak peek of the next in the series at the end of each book to help keep you hooked.

In this series you see there is no such thing as good vampires! When the soul leaves the body, evil replaces it. I wanted there to be a real distinction between the good and bad characters of my books.

In my vision the series will have many many books, the character's t-shirts will be for sale and after the production of the 4th book; I plan on producing a trivia game of the facts learned throughout this series. I want audio books produced so the books can be heard by a slightly younger audience, long distance drivers and the elderly; the vocabulary is understandable for 7 years and older.

I want families to have fun together connecting through my books with laughter and conversation. I want families challenging each other intellectually while playing the trivia game I mentioned. I want this series to appeal to all age groups and I think the historically rich dreams will provide me that avenue.

I learned so much in the research of these books and the prototype for the trivia game and I want to be able to share that knowledge with fellow readers! The facts throughout these books can stir the desire in people to open their lives to the rich history at their fingertips.

I have three; Book 1: Helen, Book 2: Lee and Book 3: Rosalee out to test readers, age range from 13 to 58. I meant it when I said it was geared toward all age groups. My 9 year has even read it, smiling ear to ear. In the three books completed in this series I've written, there is only one kiss and only one cuss word. The main character gives the dirty mouth little boy a vocabulary lesson along with one in etiquette.

I plan on publishing my books and promoting myself in the future with the help of family, friends, sponsors, donations, a business proposal, the Internet, Social Media, and grant proposals. I am really serious about getting my fiction series out to the masses. I believe in my heart that it will catch popularity and become a fast sell. The softback book version will be $8.99 and the price will drop as the series gains interest. The eBook copy will be available for purchase for $5.00. The t-shirts will be $8.99 and the trivia game is not priced yet. (All prices subject to change) I hope to get picked up by a big publishing company but if I don't, I won't let that stop me.

My open age group and historical references give me the edge I need to be able to market to a large target of individuals, libraries, schools from Elementary to High School, book clubs, church organizations, book stores, and more.

My books are filled with characters that love Pepsi products and I have gathered corporate contact information, I will be emailing and asking for sponsorship of my series. I used Google and the many search avenues it provides to do all of my research for the history book of this series and plan to write to them for possible sponsorship. Several different movie references are made throughout this series and it is my plan to contact those movie production companies that are brought to life often and see if they will jump on board the sponsorship train. Won't know unless I try! The possibilities are endless. The power of suggestion is a successful thing in advertising and I will try to market that.

I plan on giving away around 100 softback copies for free to the various people or corporations that inspired some areas of the books and or sponsored my endeavor. I plan on donating the copies for resale or distribution, eight to twelve months after the material goes to print.

Contact me through email,, if you are interested in becoming a test reader.

Author Resource: Twitter: Tips, Tricks, and Tweets by Paul McFedries

Checked out of Barr Memorial Library, Fort Knox, KY

This book is an all-purpose manual for using twitter to its full potential. It’s well-written and even a little funny at times.

Getting Started with Twitter
It was very easy for me to sign up for twitter. I had a twitter account in the past that I used for The Voice eliminations. I didn’t really use twitter for anything else.
I have been researching how-to books on everything to make myself the most successful author I can be.

Customizing Your Profile
Used this section to pick a background, choose my profile picture, and my banner and customize my profile as much of my page as possible. I was slightly confused because this book was written five years ago but when I was looking at the computer I was able to figure out everything.

How Do I Send Twitter Updates?
I learned all about keeping my twitter up to date and how to interact with other twitter users. I also figured out you should tweet often so that you keep your followers interested.

How Do I Follow Other Twitter Users?
These suggestions allowed me the skills to look for authors, writers, book lovers, agents, and book people. This lets me connect with other people and make invaluable contacts. It also allowed me to grow the number of people who follow me. The 28 followers I started with as a Voice fan has now jumped to over 100. Go Twitter…

Can I Use Twitter on My Mobile Phone?
This provided me the tools to use my twitter app on my phone. This lets me check my notifications and messages, as well as, follow my friend’s tweets. This allows me great access when I’m away from home or when my home computer isn’t acting right.

How Do I Find Stuff in Twitter?
Want to know how to search twitter? This section is for you. Here I learned how and what to search for. I also learned a great deal about hashtags that allow other twitter followers to come across your tweets.

Where Can I Display My Twitter Free?
This is the chapter for links and badges you can display on your other social media to link your sites together and allow people to find you.

How Can I Take Twitter to the Next Level?
What Tools Can I Use to Extend Twitter?

The last two chapters cover getting the most of your twitter experience and squeezing every last drop. I will be checking out a few of the sites that help manage several social media sites.

This is a book I will go back to the library to visit again.

My Identical Twin is a Writer too!

 I am one in a set of triplets, but I also have an identical twin within the same set. My twin sister’s name is Tina. I am starting off writing Psychological Thrillers while my sister writes YA Paranormal Historical Fiction. Her books are the Vampirik Hunter Series. Before I get to her fantastically funny books, let’s find out about my identical twin and fellow writer of fiction.

I will let her just tell you about herself. Yup, that’s right; I’m stealing this from her blog, Unknown Soon To Be Published Author at

My name is Christina Dudley and I am an inspiring Young Adult Paranormal Historical Fiction writer. I am in my mid-thirties and have two daughters, for whom I started writing my series of books for. One turns 15 in November and the other turns 10 in May of this year.

My oldest walked in one day around two years ago and said she was out of books to read. She asked me if she could pick one out of my room. It was crazy, almost every book she held up had sex or cuss words and that was what pushed me to really work on this series. To give avid teen readers cool, kooky, and current up to date topics with a clean delivery.

The fact that I am a triplet added to these fascinating books, along with the love of Jeopardy trivia by my dad, the enormous book collection of my mother, and my mine and my daughters' love of paranormal fiction was what gave birth to create this collection. My niece, Pamela N. Scearce is my illustrator for the covers of each book and is 12 years old.
Her series is going to surpass my book by a mile. They are funny; they are engaging; they are for all age groups and addictive. I literally laugh out loud when I read them. If I had the money to invest in her first print, I would have already paid it. Look for more articles concerning my YA Paranormal Historical Fiction writing identical twin, C.H. Dudley. Contact her through email, if you are interested in being a test reader for her new series.

Thursday, June 5, 2014

Special Release: The Hunters of the Vampirik Hunter Series

Article by C.H. Dudley

Book 1: Helen

In a world of full violence and beauty; Helen, an underestimated teenager and vigilante wanders around cleaning up the evil from the streets. As her beautiful memories turn into nightmarish images that loom in her mind of the night that would haunt and control her forever; the night her family was murdered.

This first mini-novel in the series begins in summer of 2001 and ends in December of 2010; taking place in the United States. The main character ends up helping the police with a ton of criminals but her true mission is ridding the world of vampires; her sworn enemy. Helen uses her quick wit, extensive training, and butt-kickin' boots; along with pencils instead of stakes and holy squirt guns; she dispatches these foul creatures into piles of dust beneath her feet.

In Helen's world, vampires are still lost to the ways of creating more, it's a mystery. A vampire bite almost always results in death, like poisonous venom from a snake. Only a select few know the real reason why they were chosen.

With the help of an Indian Tracker named Snowy Wolf, Helen survived her attack and was given the guidance and training needed to protect herself and the human race around her.

Will Helen ever come face to face with the vampire gang that murdered her family? Will she ever find a true connection to the outside world again? Will the secret of how to make more foul creatures be revealed...Will Helen be allowed to fall in love with Jason or will it be bittersweet?

Take a journey and see life through Helen's eyes as you read the first book of this Young Adult Paranormal Fiction collection.

Book 2: Lee

In the hustle and bustle of the busy city, Lee, a twenty-one year female; graduates college and becomes the next Special One. She was in the middle of researching her college thesis paper when she was saved by Helen from some really bad criminals. Lee then put two/two together and came to the realization that, Helen was the Female Vigilante; that had spanned over many years in newspaper articles and was the topic of her thesis. When her twin, Christina said, "Bing her phone", they go on an adventure to find Helen for her side of the story but it’s too late.

This second mini-novel in this series spans through the year 2011 taking place in the United States but brings you to all different times with the historically rich dreams of the main characters, as they sleep. The gifts bestowed upon them for the ageless existence of fighting Vampires.

With the help of her twin sister, Father Keith, and a fellow Special One, Lee learns to kick real butt and protect the innocence of her city. If she doesn't, who will?

Will the secret of how to make more foul creatures be revealed...What will happen to the city Lee protects? Will she ever cross paths with Helen again? Will Lee kick butt with style and grace, or will she fall on her face...

Take a journey and see life through Lee's eyes as you read the second book in this Young Adult Paranormal Fiction collection.

Book 3: Rosalee

Tracked down at a monastery, Rosalee, a Brazilian fifteen year old fun loving and wild character; sports weapons like a bull whip, water balloons, pencils, and her go-go gadget yo-yo with which she sends these evil creatures to the underworld where they belong.

This third mini-novel in this series spans through the year 2011 taking place mainly in Brazil and the United States. Learn about faraway places in this mini-novel as Rosalee and Lucielle take you for a ride through their history.

Rosa connects with Shannon, Lee, and Cherish to try and banish the vamps before the epidemic spreads throughout the U.S. Now that the Vampires know how to create more foul creatures, the fight is even more life altering for humans and Special Ones alike. Twins have been disappearing in several different states and it is left up to our heroines to protect life as they know it.

Now that the secret has been revealed, will the Special Ones be able to stop them? Will vampires take over the U.S. before the government can step in... Will Rosalee find Helen, Iris, and Victor before they can make hundreds more?

Take a journey and see life through Rosalee's eyes as you read the third book in this Young Adult Paranormal Fiction collection.

Just send me an email to and I will put you on my email list as a test reader and wait for your words of wisdom. Title the email: 'Opinion about A Vampirik Hunter Series - Book (#).' If this is an adult, read it and decide if you think your child/ren would love the humor that comes with wacky weapons, history filled dreams, and action scenes between human criminals and the undead evil creatures that roams the earth.

I would really like to send you a copy if you would grace my book, as a reader with a review. Be honest, whether you liked it or you didn't. Picture telling someone else about why they should or why they shouldn't read these books. I want honesty, because truthfulness from either aspect will show my dedication to the marketing and advertising part of the entire process in getting published as an unknown author. If you choose to participate, I thank you. I hope you enjoy the read and learn some things that you didn't know before.

Contact me through email,, to become a test reader. Also check out my blog: Unknown Soon To Be Published Author,; Facebook,, so we can become friends; Google,, join my circle; and Twitter,, let’s tweet.

Why do I write?

I am not a great artist but I am an avid fan of TV shows, movies, music, and well written books. My mother started my love of books. All of her houses always had large or wall-to-wall bookshelves filled with several different genres of books.

As I got into reading, I realized why her collection contained so many genres. If you like to read as much as my mother and I, you run out of books if you limit yourself to just one type or another.

I also have an active imagination. When I was deciding what words I would use to describe my writing, this is what I came up with: disturbingly imaginative, creatively explosive, excitedly twisted, compulsively detailed, and quick witted. I have three new story ideas for books besides the self-published book Adoptive Personality I have available now, and my current work Abduction at Home.

Adoptive Personality was conceived in 1998 in a creative writing class I took at Danville Community College. I finished that novel in June of 2012. It took a long time to bring that masterpiece to fruition but it was because of nothing more than procrastination.

I have discovered just how much I like to write and I want to make a career of it. That means saying goodbye to procrastination. It means putting my heart and soul into my books and then digging deeper to get them into the public’s hands.

I may have a tagline for Adoptive Personality: Where sexy is disturbingly interesting. That also means I must have a tagline for myself: I am a writer. Ask me about my book…

I am fascinated and overjoyed when a new person discovers my book. I love to know what they think; good or bad. I encourage all my readers to contact me through email

All about me...

My name is Cassandra Scearce, but I prefer Cassie. I grew up in a large family. I am one in a set of triplets (all girls) and I have a younger sister. In that set of triplets, I have an identical twin. My mother and father met and married in the Army at boot camp to become MPs.

We were raised in Holyoke, Massachusetts until we were 11 and then we moved to Danville, Virginia. I am a mother of three girls myself. One is 13, one will be 13 in just over a month, and my baby girl turns 6 before the end of the year. My loving husband and I have been together for 15 years. He has spent the last seven in the Army as an Infantryman. We have been through three deployments (twice to Iraq and once to Afghanistan) and moved countless times.

I was raised half my childhood in Massachusetts and the other half in Virginia. This causes me to think of myself as a Southern Yankee. The military has brought us to Killeen, TX where he was stationed at Fort Hood from 2008-2013 and then to Radcliff, KY from 2013-2014 at Fort Knox. In September of this year we will be moving again so that my husband can become a recruiter for the next three years. Oh the exciting times ahead…

I completed an Associate of Administrative Support Technology: Medical Office Specialization and an Associate of Science from Danville Community College in 2005. I also completed a Bachelor of Social and Criminal Justice from Ashford University in 2013. I graduated Magna Cum Laude. That was a major accomplishment I am proud of.

I have two previous works: a poem titled No Kermit Here in the Euantes Magazine, George Washington High School, Volume 29, June 1997, p. 25 under the name Cassie Dudley and an editorial piece titled What it means to be a soldier in the Star Tribune, Chatham, VA, August 7, 2013, p. 5A under the name Cassie Scearce.

I have spent almost my entire working life working as a waitress for everything from pancakes to steaks and seafood. I also spent a great deal of time working in a secretarial capacity at Danville Community College. I am an avid reader. I have a bookworm tattooed on my ribs as well as 12 others. I always have a book somewhere waiting to be read. I love to write and I’m good at it. That’s me in a nutshell…

Thank you to Sally Popu,, for taking such a beautiful photo.

Special Release: My first published work: A Poem entitled "No Kermit Here"

Euantes Magazine, George Washington High School, Volume 29, June 1997, p. 25 under my maiden name Cassie Dudley.

Now keep in mind that I said I was disturbingly imaginative:

No Kermit Here
An amphibian body lies on the table of my biology lab.
Pin and needles hold back stretched skin.
The frog’s eyes bulge.
Its intestines look like worms in a silver bowl.
The tweezers raise a tiny heart from the limp body.
Digestive organs seem in place, but reproduction failed.
Stenched in formaldehyde, a black sac of dead babies lay concealed in her stomach.
I know it was weird right, at the time I had to dissect a frog and that frog was pregnant and it made a huge impression on me. I wrote the poem for a free-lance assignment and was told it was going to be in the school magazine. My friend, Heather, hi Heather, found this magazine in the bottom of her closet in mint condition and was sweet enough to call and remind me I had something else published way back when.

Until next time…

How am I doing it...

This is where I’m going to tell you about the strategy I have used since I finished my final draft of Adoptive Personality and received my shipment of books in mid-March 2014. I’m going to pull out my ledger for this one…

I started out with an idea; I was assigned a creative writing assignment at Danville Community College,, by Ms. Carol McClanahan. That paper was 6 pages and essentially contained a beginning, a slim plot, and an ending. There is only so much you can put in 6 pages after all. Nothing compared to the finished book. .. But my idea was good. My teacher complimented me and encouraged me to be a writer if that was my passion.  That was in 1999…

Through the intervening years I would pick up that idea and write a couple more pages. When MySpace was first all the rage, I put the rough draft of the first ten chapters online. I got good feedback from those comments. When I was around 120 pages of my rough draft in, my husband took our hard drive (I have since learned to save my work everywhere) to Iraq during his first deployment in 2009; all was lost except for my idea.

In June 2012, I was working towards the end of my spouse’s second deployment to Iraq and suffering from depression; I pulled myself together, started my Bachelor program at and decided I was going to write my book. Now when I first started my draft, the middle of my book was different but I had years between my initial idea and sitting down to write my first book. I saw a doctor and got serious with my writing. Adoptive Personality was finished before the end of the month. I wrote like crazy…

I am such a book addict, that the ideas for the middle of the book took off and Eve’s sexy side was conceived. When I was finished with the book, I emailed it to around 50 of my closest friends and family. I received great feedback about my twisted imagination and more than half were future sales when I finally printed my book.

I performed several edits. I got my sister, Shannon that is a teacher to do an edit. This is where it is important to put the draft down for a bit. Take a break. I have learned that I still missed some errors in my first print first edition copy that I have for sale. There are only around 30 or so left. Taking a break between printing and reading gave me a chance to catch some minor errors that were missed in my book. The next print will have the corrections. What makes those first 125 I am selling so valuable? I will be a famous author one day. I am just starting out and not enough people have heard about my book. When they do, those first books that I sold will be worth future $$.

I printed 125 copies in mid-March 2014. The first book I ever sold was to my twin sister, Tina, two years before when I finished the rough draft. After the print, I have sold to family and friends, fellow co-workers, at a book signing, at a flea market, and word of mouth.

I have sold to 21 family members, 25 friends, 17 co-workers, and 14 strangers. Don’t take that as an inconsequential task because I consider this an achievement. I also sold to those strangers at a book signing my former college, Danville Community College,  They let me sit at a table during a Celebration of the Arts week. I was in town visiting family and my printed book had just arrived. When fellow employees found out they suggested I talk to its coordinator, Sherry Gott, who is an Associate Professor of English. She was very excited to help a self-publishing author and former student. I left 10 books for the DCC, Castle Bookstore,  to carry. I’m told they are set up on a display shelf and students are talking about my book. I will see it when I go for another visit this week. I also sold to many of my co-workers while I was there. While I was still in town, I went to the Ringgold Flea Market, and sat at a table for the day and sold a couple of books and talked about my book with strangers.

I also want to say a special thank you to Vince Decker at DCC for teaching me most of what I know as an entrepreneur; Carol McClanahan (retired) from DCC for being an inspiring teacher; Sherry Gott, Andre Jordan, Styphenia Reliford, and Andrea Burney at DCC for supporting a fellow student and aspiring self-publishing author; and last but not least my two former bosses that are an inspiration because they have always supported my dream and encouraged me, Rhonda Carter at DCC and Ms. Pat from IHOP. Special thanks are also deserved for the first three reviews I have had posted online by Lou @, Lindsey @, and Hayley @; Lightning Press,, for printing my books; and Sally Popu,, for taking the beautiful author photo I am using.

So my books are spread around Danville, VA and surrounding areas (67) and KY (3). My friends and family have also spread the sales to MA (1), NY (1), MI (1), NC (3), CA (1), TX (3), and CO (1). I hope I’m not forgetting any, that’s off the top of my head. This is due impart to having family in MA and VA and all the friends I have made along the way in the military that have spread to the corners of the U.S.

I have had a couple people make future plans to buy a copy and those I have reserved for broke friends, lol. I am trying to plan an author event: Gossip at the Park in Danville, VA before I head back for another visit this coming week to spread the word of mouth and sell more copies. Right now in KY, I am talking up my book to everyone I can. I give out the teaser of the first five chapters and have sold two books that way in KY. I also have three more future sales because of that free CD. I haven’t been in KY long and we are moving before the end of the year so I want to make as many contacts as possible. I have left a copy with the base library to see if I could schedule an author presentation and book signing. It’s where I met Lisa Gardner and got my autographed book.  Keep your fingers crossed and say a prayer for that one.

I have also been using social media to spread word of mouth. I have teaser chapters on my YouTube channel,; friend me on Facebook,; follow me on twitter,;, read my blog Unknown Author News,; email me,; look up my google,; talk to a friend; and get a review.

I have three online reviews currently out about my brand new book Adoptive Personality. I received 4 out of 5 Stars from, 3 out of 5 Stars from, and  No Rating System from I have future plans to appear on as a guest blogger and an interview.

I am currently reading Twitter: Tip, Tricks, and Tweets by Paul McFedries, and it has really helped me out with all of my social media sites and was the instigator for starting my blog, Unknown Author News. I started off with around 23 twitter followers 36 hours ago and I have quadrupled that following. And the count keeps growing. This enables me to spread the word about my work. Stayed tuned for the Author Resource article about that book in the future. ..

My future strategy includes spreading the word on social media and author events like Gossip at the Park, as well as, the lovely people who already bought a book and are going to gossip about it. My plan is to tell as many people as possible. No one will buy your book if they don’t know about it. I will also be networking using my contacts and making as many future contacts as I can. Wish me luck and buy a book…

Special Offer: Today Only Adoptive Personality at a discounted price!!

 Today only, purchase an autographed copy of Adoptive Personality at the discounted price of $12/$4 shipping or the ebook for $5. This is discounted from the regular price of $15/$6.99. Contact me today to experience disturbingly interesting like only I can write at

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

What I am addicted to?

I am addicted to reading. I read in the neighborhood of 500 or more books a year. I love to read. I actually go through withdrawal if I don’t have a new book waiting to be read. I am a fast reader. When I am reading a book, a movie is unfolding in my mind. In my opinion, there are very few movies that live up to the books in my opinion. I can think of four examples as I write this article. The two movies that lived up to the books in my opinion are; Odd Thomas by Dean Koontz and One for the Money by Janet Evanovich. The books I can think of the worst experience watching on the big screen are My Sister’s Keeper by Jodi Picoult and The Twilight Series by Stephanie Meyer. In these cases, the books were better by an extraordinary mile.

As I sit and write this article, I am next to my beautiful bookcase. I really like my bookcase, I wish I had several more and I had an office/library of my own but life will provide that later for me. That costs money that my future books sales will pay for.  I do have a bucket list! I read so many books that I can’t possibly buy them all. I go to the library, any library, for much of my reading material. When I review a book that I read I will even tell you where it came from. I also have a Nook Color upstairs beside my bed. I will get to those authors in another blog.

Right now, I am talking about the cream of the crop, my personal bookcase. I like to read Crime/Thrillers Paranormal, and Romances. Kim Harrison (I wish I had a signed book), P.C. & Kristin Cast ( I wish I could meet them and wish I owned a signed book), Janet Evanovich (I would love to pick her brain and own a signed book), Heather Graham (I would love to have an autographed book), Kelley Armstrong, Dean Koontz (It’s on my bucket list to tell this man that he inspired me to be a writer and I would love all of his books signed), Lisa Gardener (I met her and have an autographed book), James Patterson, Lynsay Sands, Sherrilyn Kenyon, Christine Feehan, Charlaine Harris (I have a signed book), John Grisham (I have  one of his too), and Jodi Picoult dominate my bookshelves. I will post future reviews on my book addiction with up to a 5 star rating system.

Later on I will sit down with my Nook Color and let you know my top picks for authors and for books. I am also a fan of TV shows and movies. I will visit my favorites and my not so favorites in an upcoming feature blog series Reader’s Choice Reviews. This will include reviews on books I read, movies and TV shows I watch, as well as, authors I have discovered.

I feel that knowledge is power. That is why I received two Associates and a Bachelor and I read every book I can get my hands on. That’s what makes me such a great writer, oh, and my overactive imagination. Tune in to find out what I think of everything, lol…

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Author Resource: Fast Fiction: A Guide to Outlining and Writing a First-Draft Novel in Thirty Days by Denise Jaden

Checked out of Barr Memorial Library, Fort Knox, KY

Part 1: Before the Draft

In order to turn a story idea into a rough draft manuscript, you must do some preparation first.

This section will aid you in turning your idea into a promising story board. You will discover all the steps in creating a novel: story idea; plot and Three-Act structure; characters; theme; setting; symbols, images, and icons; scenes; story plan; and how to write a fast draft novel.

This has provided me insight into continuing Abduction at Home. I also learned about National Novel Writing Month, or NaNoWriMo ( that holds a month long competition in November every year to challenge authors to fast draft a novel in 30 days.

The author of the book, Denise Jaden, had previously written two manuscripts. When she participated in this challenge, she produced the first book she had published entitled Losing Faith. She has since went on to publish a second novel, Never Enough.

Part 2: During the Draft

You, as the writer, are challenged to write a 50,000 words novel in 30 days.

In this section, the 30 days are broken down with inspirational openers, helpful suggestions, and exercises that can be performed and keep you motivated to write the 2.000 words called for each day.

This is a book I will go back to the library to check out again in my upcoming projects. There was a lot of valuable information and sparked many ideas to be used for my next two books.

Author Resource: The Pocket Idiot’s Guide to Grammar and Punctuation by Jay Stevenson, Ph.D.

Checked out of Barr Memorial Library, Fort Knox, KY

Part 1: Words at Work

Here, you will learn all the grammar basics. It covers everything from Nouns, Pronouns, Verbs, Modifers, and Agreement.

This information will be beneficial to me in doing a final read thru of Adoptive Personality for second print, as well as, being in the process of writing Abduction at Home, and any future manuscripts I write.

Part 2: Marks of Distinction

This section concentrates on everything from commas, semicolons, colons, periods, question marks, exclamation points, brackets, slashes, italics, hyphens, dashes and parentheses, and apostrophes.

I will use this section to do a final punctuation check on Adoptive Personality and all my future projects.

It’s important to be aware of grammar and punctuation when writing your novel. During the rough draft, it is okay to make mistakes but if you start out with a good foundation, the easier your revisions will be.

Author Resource: The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Getting Published by Sheree Bykofsky and Jennifer Basye Sander

Checked out of Hardin County Public Library, North Branch, Radcliff, KY

Part 1: Great Expectations in Which You Begin to Write

This section involves all the motivation behind why a person wants to write and then deciding what you should write.

I am in the stage where I have written and self-published my first novel Adoptive Personality and I am working on my second Abduction at Home. I know what genre I am writing. My book is a psychological thriller geared towards readers 21 and older.  I know what category I am querying. I am looking for an agent that represents suspense and thrillers.

Part 2: Gone with the Wind. Submitting to Publishers

Here, you find out to submit your manuscript idea and the ways to go about doing it right. Good manuscripts can get missed if your cover/query letter isn’t intriguing. You are given instructions on writing an effective query letter. Your query and response from agents depends on whether you write fiction or nonfiction. Each has different methods. I write fiction.

Since reading this book, I have revised my query letter for Adoptive Personality. Very near in the future, I will be sending out new queries to agents, publishers, and movie professionals. I want my novels talked about like the latest gossip. In order for that to happen, I must get people talking about them.

Part 3: Romancing the Stone: Getting a Book Contract

You will discover all the different ways an agent can open doors for an author. You discover just how essential networking is. Get an agent interested, they juggle a lot of projects at a time and the more excited they are about your work, the harder they will work for you. You find out what can be expected from an agent. Learn the process you book takes from idea to physical book. There are many turns where your progress may be halted. Persevere. Don’t let this stop your momentum to be discovered as an Unknown Author. This also lets you know how to query publishers.

I will only be querying small time publishers while I try to land an agent. If a publisher turns you down, that is one less publisher your agent can pitch to. I want as many avenues as possible to mean when my agent goes shopping to publishers. A connected person can open many more doors than an Unknown. This section also introduces the author to book publishing contracts and what is behind getting one.

Part 4: War and Peace: Working with a Publisher

Contracts are important and binding. Deadlines must be met by both publisher and author. Preparing your manuscript is very important. Publishers expect a format to be followed so that the transition into their employ runs smoothly. Understanding the production process will make you better prepared when awaiting the finished product. Having a good working relationship with you agent and publisher is very important. These relationships are what sell your book. They work on your behalf to get the word out using store book buyers, catalogs, sales reps, and conferences. Publicity is needed to sell anything. If you can’t get your work seen or talked about, no one will know to seek you or it out. Authors are required to sell themselves, as well as, working with an agent and publisher. Real authors share what worked and what didn’t work in this section.

All of this information has been invaluable to me because I have self-published. Yes, I still want a big publishing contract but I don’t want to wait around for them to appear. I want to make them. I want my books to be gossiped about. When that happens they will be writing, calling, and visiting to get their hands on my work.

Part 5: My Brillant Career: Continuing Your Career as an Author

This is where the book lets you know what happens after your book hits retail stores and what to expect.

I am self-publishing and Unknown so I use this as a background of my unknown self-publishing author on my journey to be a well-known author.

Author Resource: No Plot? No Problem! A Low-Stress, High-Velocity Guide to Writing a Novel in 30 Days by Chris Baty

Checked out of Barr Memorial Library, Fort Knox, KY

This is a great book and outstanding resource. It has really inspired me in the plans I have for my current work Abduction at Home. I also plan to enter the writing contest that’s held every Novemnber by National Novel Writing Month, or NaNoWriMo ( During this time, I will be completing my third manuscript Edgewood Drive.

The author of this book was one of 21 original creators of this writing challenge in 1999 and has been a director and participant of the event ever since.

Section 1: A Round-Trip Ticket to Novel-land: Gearing Up for Your Writing Aventure

Here, you are introduced to the introduction and it’s a well written one. It drew me in and immediately started the idea sparks flying for my next two books. He lets you know how the idea of writing a novel in a month came to be. He draws you in with his first experience. Inspiring suggestions peak through the writing.

In 1999, NaNoWriMo started with 21 writers with only 6 finishing. The second year, 140 people took the challenge and 29 people won. In 2003, 25,000 people competed from over 30 countries.

Some of these winners have gone on to editing the rough draft and later selling them to Pinnacle and Warner Books.

Section one goes on to what is important for an author to have in order to complete a 30 day novel with 50,000 words. There are lots of advice from previous winners and working with deadlines. You will discover why 50,000 words is a great starting point for a first rough draft. You will have more material to work with during the revision stage.

This book suggests writing in groups. The motivation and encouragement other writers can give each other is very beneficial. This will also keep you competitive and keep you typing.

You will see the Novel Agreement you enter into when you take the 30 day novel challenge.

You are also provided with great suggestions on managing your time. It’s important to create a support system for you novel time. Get friends and family to cheer you on.

The book makes some great suggestions for motivating yourself to get through your 30 days. Make a bet with friends you would never want to do. This will motivate you as well as your friends.

Suggestions are made for the prime kind of writing environment you set yourself up with. Is it better to write from home, in a coffee shop, at a library, during a vacation, or at work?

For me, I wrote Adoptive Personality in about three weeks. I wasn’t competing in a contest. The book’s story board had been in my head for so long that it was just time to get out.

Every writer has tools of their trade, whether it’s a computer, pen, paper, voice recorder, app program, reference book, music, or objects and pictures. A writer also needs quick snacks and caffeine.

A lot of authors plan out a story board for their idea. They will plan characters, scenes, and plots before sitting down to write the first sentence. Others take on this challenge with no preparation.

When fast drafting Adoptive Personality, I had previously worked on about 150 pages. But that material was lost and 3 years later I started over with the same story board in my mind. What sent my mind racing were the entire group of great books I had read from the conception of my idea in 1998 to sitting down to pen it to paper in June 2012? All of those different stories inspired the turn in my characters life that weren’t present when I started that orginal lost 150 pages.

Section 2: Write Here! Write Now! A Frantic, Fantastic Week-by-Week Overview to Bashing Out Your Book

This section of the book takes you through what to expect for the next four weeks of writing. Knowing what to expect will help you plan for the days when your momentum is waning. It will help keep you on track.

This book has helped me a great deal in the plans I have for completing Abduction at Home. It will be an accomplishment to finish my second book when so many people are becoming excited at the prospect of my coming out with another book.

I will be checking this book out of the library again. I must finish Abduction at Home so that I can clear the calendar to take up the 30 day writing challenge with my third novel Edgewood Drive. Keep a check on this newsletter to find out how those plans are coming.

Author Resource: Ferguson’s Careers in Focus: Publishing by Ferguson Publishing Company

Checked out of Hardin County Public Library, South Branch, Elizabethtown, KY

This book gives examples all employment opportunities available in publishing. This book was not really what I was looking for but it did provide valuable insight for me as a self-publishing author. Until I get picked up by an agent and/or publisher I am getting myself and my books out there.  What I learned are there are many different areas I need to research to fully realize my potential as a self-publishing author.

In this book you will realize all the different aspects that are involved in becoming a selling author.

Book Editors evaluate your manuscript, accept or reject it, rewrite and correct spelling and grammar, research and fact check, arrange proofs with artists and designers, and the total look of your book. You may find one of these on your own but they are mostly found using a literary agent.

Desktop Publishing Specialists create brochures, newsletters, business cards, and posters. This is all used during the marketing and publicity stage of getting your work out there.

Graphic Designers create ideas, convey information, draw attention and design ads, displays, packaging, signs, computer graphics and games, book covers and interiors, and company logos. This is also valuable during the marketing and publicizing of your book.

Literary Agents connect authors with publishers and TV producers, negotiate contracts, pursue publicity, and advise the writer. These are the people that open literary doors for you.

Photographers take pictures for author’s pages and pictures for covers. This is beneficial in marketing yourself and your book.

Prepress Workers visually conceive and prepare your book for print. This is the last stop before books are available for purchase.

Webmasters design, implement, and maintain World Wide Web sites. This will open avenues to get yourself and your books out to the public.

As a self-publishing author, I am marketing my book while I search for an agent and/or publisher and book editor. Having published my book myself, I was the conceptual authority on my cover, inside pages, and the writing of the novel. I used a picture for my author’s page that I had taken myself. I have since started using a professional photo taken by Sally S. Popu in Danville, VA during a twin shoot with my sister. I will be using that same twin sister as my Desktop Publishing Specialist and Graphic Designer being that she has a Graphics Arts degree. I used Lightening Press in Totowa, NJ for my prepress needs in getting my novel into a printed book. In the near future I will be teaching myself to make my own webpage and you will be able to visit me there…

Special Release: An Editiorial I wrote about my soldier husband, "What it means to be a soldier"

Star-Tribune, Chatham, VA, August 7, 2013, p.5A

This editorial piece was inspired by a photo my husband took while deployed to Afghanistan.

Editor’s Note: The following editorial was written by Cassie Scearce, who husband, John, is in the US Army in Afghanistan. The Scearce’s have three children and live in Dry Fork.

Most Americans truly don’t know what it means to love America and be a soldier. Everyone gets up every day never truly appreciating the breath they take or those who work to make that breath a possibility. In this day and age, everything is taken for granted. Yes, people thank soldiers on certain holidays, but their job is a 24/7, 365-day-a-year kind of job. Most people go through life wondering how they are going to buy the most expensive gadget or are budgeting just to get the bills paid.

Soldiers and their families also deal with this everyday occurrence. They also pick up and leave their lives to move wherever it is they are needed. Often times they have families that move with them. Moving several times over the enlisted years can be difficult. Getting to know new people that will be part of the defense for America and the ones watching your “six” can be grueling.

Spouses and children have to pick up and leave everything to follow their loved ones. They start off in new homes, learning new places, starting new schools, and making new friends. Don’t forget that their families and the soldier’s themselves have to worry this might be the last time they will leave. They wonder if they will make it back.

The most difficult part for a soldier and their family is the separation. My husband is an infantry soldier. He has been in the military for a little more than five years and is currently working on his third deployment. Soldiers aren’t home for birthdays, anniversaries, or regular holidays most of the time. He has been to Iraq twice and is now in Afghanistan.

Just this deployment, an anniversary has been missed and his second child’s birthday. The youngest child’s birthday is the next to be missed. And what about the children that don’t get to live with their soldier. So they won’t be able to spend the time with their parent before they ship off. Soldiers take these holidays hard since they are not home to celebrate or hold their loved ones during these milestones.

And the families take to heart the absence of their husband, father, wife, mother, son, daughter, grandson, or granddaughter. I pray every day for the safe return of my husband and all soldiers who fight every day. My husband doesn’t take his life for granted. He works hard every day to make a good life for our family. When in the States, he goes to work every day training and making sure that he knows his job to the best of his ability.

He loves his wife and children with every breath breathed into his body. He does this so that we can raise our family to be stable and strong. And when overseas, he doesn’t promise nothing will happen; he promises he will do his best to be safe. I worry about my husband every day, but the kids can’t know. They have to think he is invincible. I have told him not to make me a liar.

Soldiers don’t know if they will make it home; they just do their best to make sure that happens. Even with all the worry and absence, my husband loves his job, family, and country. This picture was taken by a fellow soldier and it couldn’t be more awe inspiring. It takes my breath away and makes me beyond proud to share this picture and this story with you.

Love your freedom and appreciate how you come about it because it is paid for in sweat, blood, tears and absence from family. Until next time, say a prayer for soldiers….

Special Release: Adoptive Personality: the Cafeteria Scene

Cafeteria Scene

p. 108-111
            “OMG, did you know she was like that? What Eve, no one really knows her? The boys all drool over her like she is some prize. She doesn’t even talk to anyone. I wouldn’t know what her voice sounded like if she didn’t talk in class. She thinks she’s so smart. The boys think she’s so sexy. Well, what is everyone going to think now? I know that she and Hunter are not related but how could they sleep together? They’re foster brother and sister. That is just gross!” They continued to gossip even as the door closed.
            She couldn’t even differentiate what each girl said separately. It just seemed like one big monologue. How dare he say he slept with her? I might not be a virgin, but I have never slept with anyone willingly.
          Did he think that would make him look cool to his friends? Oh yeah, they thought he was cool because he lived in the same house as me. I bet they think it’s awesome he got to bang me. Well, I wonder what he and his friends will think of this.
            Eve left the stall and went to the mirror above the sink. Balancing her pocketbook on the sink, she retrieved her foundation. That was all she wore. Eve’s skin was smooth and lightly sprinkled with freckles. Her hazel eyes would draw a person in and keep them there if she ever looked them straight in the eyes.
            After touching up her foundation, she pinched her cheeks to make her face appear flushed. There wasn’t anything to be done with her boring brown hair, so she retied the knot in the back of her t-shirt higher this time to showcase her now flat mid-drift. She ripped her shirt at the collar and down the front. The shirt now lay open in a V-neck to display her cleavage. She repositioned her breasts in her bra. It’s not like she needed it, her D size cup was already big enough. Eve spun around and headed out the bathroom door head held high.
            As she left the bathroom, she practiced swishing her hips as she walked. The minute she got inside the lunchroom, she easily found Hunter and his friends at their usual table. She heard them laugh, and then they leaned intently towards Hunter; as if they were sharing some secret. She could see Hunter gesturing with his hands while he spoke. He had a big smile on his face and his eyes were alert. He looked like the cat that swallowed the canary.
            Look at him making up sex stories about me. He’s never seen me naked, any accidents of bumping into each other in the bathroom didn’t happen. He was just making it all up. Well, let’s see what he thinks of my seductress act. I have been practicing. It was time to see what would happen when she brought the seductress out.
            Eve stood up straight making her boobs look perkier and her lower back tucked in to make her ass poke out. With a swish in her hips, she made her way across the cafeteria. She knew she was acting differently, and it was attracting attention.
            Everyone she walked past in the cafeteria turned to watch her. It could just be because of Hunter’s rumors but they could tell she was on a hunt. It seemed like she had everyone’s attention but Hunter’s table. They were paying absolutely no attention at all.  He was still whispering to his friends in hushed tones.
            Eve walked up behind Hunter even though she didn’t like to touch people and put her breasts flush against his back. Her left hand went over his shoulder, and her right ran over his t-shirt down his ribs. She leaned in and took his earlobe in between her lips.
            “Hi love,” she said for the benefit of his friends at the table, as well as the rest of the cafeteria. She felt Hunter suck in a deep breath and turn his head to see who had come on to him like that. He paled when he saw Eve’s face. He could not stop his body’s reaction to having her lush breasts pressed against his back. Having his earlobe between her lips had almost made him cum in his pants before he even knew what was going on.
            Eve rubbed her way around his body so that she was now facing him. She lifted her hand, raised her index finger, and put it in her mouth. Eve stared straight into Hunter’s eyes as she pulled her finger slowly from between her lips. She then raised the same finger to run across Hunter’s lips. “Do you think about touching me?”
            Eve removed her hand from his lips to splay her fingers over her bare mid-drift. Hunter couldn’t take his eyes off of her hand as she ran it over her body. He was hard as a rock. He could only see Eve and her hand running over that flat stomach.
            “Do you dream of me at night?” Her hand left her body and came to rest over his bulging erection. The minute she touched him, it happened. He could not help himself, he came right there in his pants in front of the whole cafeteria.
            Eve turned to his friends. “Was the story anything like that, fellas? If he had ever slept with anyone before, that wouldn’t have happened. Your hero is a virgin, boys. That is the first time he has ever felt my touch. Judging from his reaction, I doubt any girl has ever touched him like that.”
            “So if you believe he slept with me, you would be wrong. Now tell me gentlemen, is that the story he was just telling you?” The entire cafeteria was silent. The boys didn’t utter a word. They would have had to close their mouths to accomplish that. Hunter just stood there with a wet spot on the front of his pants and a bewildered look on his face. Eve turned on her heel and left the cafeteria without another word.

New Author Tip: Use every resource at your disposal

Friends, family, and friends of friends can be an author’s best friend. Networking is very important also, I wouldn’t have been able to sell as many books without the connections I have at Danville Community College. My book wouldn’t even be here had they not encouraged me to follow my dreams. Social media has also been a very important contributor to getting my book out there. I am currently using email, Facebook, Google, Twitter, and Youtube.

New Author Tip: Find the place that works best

Writers have lots of different environments they like to work in whether it is at home, a coffee shop, the library, or during a planned vacation. Find out what works best for you; what provides the most inspiration and gets your juices following. I find that the best places to write for me are at home and the library.

New Author Tip: Enter a contest

Challenge yourself to get your book done. I will be doing this by entering the writing competition held each November by National Novel Writing Month to complete my third novel Edgewood Drive.

New Author Tip: Keep the ideas flowing

Every time you think of a new story idea, write it down. Keep these ideas in a folder you can come back to once you’re ready to work on your next project. The amount of books you can produce will be endless.

New Author Tip: Keep supplies handy

You never know when the ideas are going to roll. I like to keep a notebook and pen at the ready. Anything that happens in daily life can spark an idea for a character or a scene for your book.

New Author Tip: Keep a positive attitude!

If you want to be a writer, you have to believe you are a great writer. Write a story you are really excited about telling. This will provide more material and inspiration to complete your novel. You can do anything you put your mind to, DO THIS!

New Author Tip: Budget Your Time

Make sure that you make time to write. If you go days without writing, it will only make it harder for you to pick up where you left off. Don’t let procrastination get ahold of you.

New Author Tip: "That's my story and I'm sticking to it"

Your dream is always within reach if you want it bad enough. Strive to see yourself succeed. Anything is possible if you commit to it.

I now have word of mouth, facebook, google, email, youtube, and twitter working for me.

New Author Tip: Read, Read, Read

Use the library. There are all kinds of resources you can locate that will help you with your writing process, improve your writing skills, teach you all about self-publishing, querying agents and editors, marketing yourself as well as your book, building your website to bring in fans, and using social media.

 I hit three libraries and a Barnes and Noble today and came home with a treasure trove of information that is going to help me get my book out there to all of you....

Plans for the future

Well my plans for the future are endless. I will sell all the physical books of Adoptive Personality that I have left. Electronic pdf versions will constantly be on sale. I will eventually do a second print for Adoptive Personality if it takes off the way I want it to.

I am currently working on completing my rough draft of Abduction at Home. When that’s finished I will give it sometime to simmer. And give myself a break so that the story is fresher when I come back to it.

Meanwhile, I will be completing my story board for my next book. I will be competing in the 30 day novel challenge by National Novel Writer’s Month during November. Here, my third book Edgewood Drive will come to life. Once finished, that manuscript will be left to simmer while I go back to edit Abduction at Home into a sellable novel.

When that book is ready, I will be pulling Edgewood Drive out to perform my edits on that rough draft. All the while, I will be selling and promoting Adoptive Personality. An author’s job is never done…

My Youtube

I have started a Youtube Channel ( to get myself out there. I want people to be able to search my name and/or title and find something.

I am someone who loves to talk books. I decided I was going to put my first four chapters online. I already have a teaser disc available. I want people to hear about my book, get excited, and buy it. That also means being able to produce something when someone wants to know about your book.

I always have a book with me to sell. When I tell them about it, I let them read the back. I will them about the reviews from websites and readers, and I give them a CD and tell them to look up my Youtube Channel.

I have a video that tells you about the book.

Adoptive Personality- Prologue: Pretty Little Girl/ Chapter One

Adoptive Personality-Part One: The Fire/ Chapter Two

Adoptive Personality-Part One: The Fire/Chapter Three

Adoptive Personality-Part One: The Fire/ Chapter Four

Adoptive Personality is a book told with major turning points and those are The Prologue: Pretty Little Girl, Part One:  The Fire, Part Two: Training, and Part Three: The Culmination. You have to purchase your own book or digital copy to find out what blew my readers away and will have people gossiping about my book.

God knows how many guests Ellen finds to put on her show. I would walk in dancing, I would sit right down on that couch and I would tell the world about my book. I am ready to put a stamp of reader’s bookshelves with my disturbingly interesting writing and the twisted excitement finishing the book brings. It’s on my bucket list actually! I hope to get it before my next big ticket bucket list item and that is to go skydiving with my two oldest girls in summer 2019 when I turn 40 and my two oldest daughters turn 18.

Keep tuned in to my Youtube channel to find out more information from me, the UNKNOWN AUTHOR who is publishing herself to the top. My name is Cassie, I am a writer. Ask me about my book…

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