Friday, June 6, 2014

Vampirik Hunter Series by C.H. Dudley

Article by C.H. Dudley

Let me introduce you to a new set of heroines in these funny, action packed, historically rich books under the collection, A Vampirik Hunter Series. This series is meant to empower young ladies with strong female lead characters; it is meant to reconnect readers to history of all ages.

These books can be read by any age group and resemble the size of a Goosebumps book. I envision them as 4.25"x7", always 15 chapters, and between 110-175 pages each. I bring the premise or new character of the series out in Chapter 14 of each book, as an introduction to the next in the collection. And there is always a sneak peek of the next in the series at the end of each book to help keep you hooked.

In this series you see there is no such thing as good vampires! When the soul leaves the body, evil replaces it. I wanted there to be a real distinction between the good and bad characters of my books.

In my vision the series will have many many books, the character's t-shirts will be for sale and after the production of the 4th book; I plan on producing a trivia game of the facts learned throughout this series. I want audio books produced so the books can be heard by a slightly younger audience, long distance drivers and the elderly; the vocabulary is understandable for 7 years and older.

I want families to have fun together connecting through my books with laughter and conversation. I want families challenging each other intellectually while playing the trivia game I mentioned. I want this series to appeal to all age groups and I think the historically rich dreams will provide me that avenue.

I learned so much in the research of these books and the prototype for the trivia game and I want to be able to share that knowledge with fellow readers! The facts throughout these books can stir the desire in people to open their lives to the rich history at their fingertips.

I have three; Book 1: Helen, Book 2: Lee and Book 3: Rosalee out to test readers, age range from 13 to 58. I meant it when I said it was geared toward all age groups. My 9 year has even read it, smiling ear to ear. In the three books completed in this series I've written, there is only one kiss and only one cuss word. The main character gives the dirty mouth little boy a vocabulary lesson along with one in etiquette.

I plan on publishing my books and promoting myself in the future with the help of family, friends, sponsors, donations, a business proposal, the Internet, Social Media, and grant proposals. I am really serious about getting my fiction series out to the masses. I believe in my heart that it will catch popularity and become a fast sell. The softback book version will be $8.99 and the price will drop as the series gains interest. The eBook copy will be available for purchase for $5.00. The t-shirts will be $8.99 and the trivia game is not priced yet. (All prices subject to change) I hope to get picked up by a big publishing company but if I don't, I won't let that stop me.

My open age group and historical references give me the edge I need to be able to market to a large target of individuals, libraries, schools from Elementary to High School, book clubs, church organizations, book stores, and more.

My books are filled with characters that love Pepsi products and I have gathered corporate contact information, I will be emailing and asking for sponsorship of my series. I used Google and the many search avenues it provides to do all of my research for the history book of this series and plan to write to them for possible sponsorship. Several different movie references are made throughout this series and it is my plan to contact those movie production companies that are brought to life often and see if they will jump on board the sponsorship train. Won't know unless I try! The possibilities are endless. The power of suggestion is a successful thing in advertising and I will try to market that.

I plan on giving away around 100 softback copies for free to the various people or corporations that inspired some areas of the books and or sponsored my endeavor. I plan on donating the copies for resale or distribution, eight to twelve months after the material goes to print.

Contact me through email,, if you are interested in becoming a test reader.


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